Lesson 9 : I like to...

Hola !

Soy Peter , Soy de Peru. Tengo 20 años.
Hoy( today) I will teach you some verbs , because verbs are very important
but Im going to teach u "I LIKE TO" , u can use it to talk about your likes and dislikes.

I like to (verb) = Me gusta...

I like noun is kind of difficult to explain.

So i will only teach u " I like to verb "

here some verbs u can use with "like"

* To study = estudiar

* To Sleep = dormir

* To play = jugar

* To sing = cantar

* To go out = salir
* To talk = conversar , hablar

* To see = ver, mirar
* To watch = ver,mirar
* To look = ver, mirar

* To eat = comer
* To learn = aprender

*to run = correr

so.... i like to eat = me gusta comer
I like to eat ....... = me gusta comer ....

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